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“How can we create opportunity in a down market?”

Chas Roberts is one of the largest residential heating and air conditioning contractors in the country, providing services in new residential construction as well as in residential service and replacement. Facing a decline in residential construction in 2008 and a decline in the market estimated at 20%, we began working with them to explore other opportunities to stabilize business.

Chas Roberts is unique in the market given its longevity as a trusted family-owned business. As the leader in the new construction market, Chas already had relationships with many homeowners. The strategy was to offer those homeowners service and replacement. Despite the downturn, Chas Roberts’ replacement division increased revenues, grew market share and increased appointments by 32%. The marketing effort was a fully integrated approach from traditional media and advertising, and new customer service initiatives; to the development of a new web site and implementation of social media strategies. Today Chas Roberts continues to build its success of the replacement division, building brand awareness and customer loyalty.