Think Beyond the Ordinary
Posted by Stacey Pilcher
During the Renaissance collaboration between artists, philosophers and scientists, was popular. Fascinated by the ideals of ancient Greece, Cosimo Medici had the works of Plato translated and formed the Platonic Academy of Florence. This informal group engaged in lively philosophic discussions and influenced the creativity of the age.
TED was founded on this same idea of sharing across disciplines. Founder Richard Saul Wurman said, “I just wanted to throw the world’s best dinner party.”
Today, we work in our industries, our bubbles, and within our cultures with little cross-pollination. It is important to know your business, but it is also important to understand the ideas and trends across the diversity of cultures and industries. Try these five ideas to break out of your bubble.
- Do something outside your comfort zone. Your wife has taken yoga for years, so why not give it a try? Even if you can’t touch your toes, you might find a world of benefit.
- Travel outside your home country. Or just outside your neighborhood. There is no substitute for understanding a people, than experiencing their culture.
- Volunteer. Giving of your time and resources teaches one a lot about themselves and it is an opportunity to meet other volunteers and help a unique organization.
- Take a class. Whether you take pottery making or advance biochemistry, learning never grows old and always takes you in new directions.
- Spend time with a different age group. Read to 10 year olds at a school. Take a class at a university. Go to a conference with Millennials. You’ll find they all see things differently.
Or just throw the world’s greatest dinner party.
Download “Five ways to break out of your bubble”, click here.
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